5 Tips for the Best Cake Smash Shoot in Essex

Kids are the best. They’re adorable, of course can be very funny at times and you never know what you’re going see from them. Kids are full of life and inquisitiveness about almost everything. Truly, they’re a dream to behold.

It can capture beautiful moments that would otherwise eventually be blurry memories. While everyday moments have their appeal, the best photographs usually come from special planned settings, preferable in professional baby studio, such as a newborn photoshoot, and mother and baby photo sessions. However, here are tips so that you get the perfect shot for your cake smash session.

The Cake

No cake smash photography would be complete without an ideal cake. By ideal, we mean a cake that pops in the photographs and is easy for your baby to dig into. Choose a simple sponge cake with buttercream icing in bright and cheerful colours, such as pink, purple, baby blue, light green or yellow. If you have the budget for it, professional made-to-order cakes look gorgeous in cake smash photos.

The Theme

Choose a theme that your baby will recognize and love. You could use a favourite book, toy or character for inspiration. You don’t want a grumpy or scared baby when it is time to take the photos. If you don’t want to have a specific theme, remember to colour coordinate everything, especially the baby’s outfit with the cake.

The Lighting

Natural light is ideal for a cake smash photo session in Essex. If possible, hold the session outdoors in a park or on the beach. If you can’t take everything outside, choose to set everything up in a room with big windows that get indirect sunlight. Or book a professional baby studio so that the photos turn out perfect regardless of the location.

The Placement

While you could seat your baby in a high chair and place the cake on the dining table, you shouldn’t. The best cake smash photos have been taken in the simplest of settings a baby on the floor with the cake. If you are worried about the mess, buy a vinyl cloth to place on the floor.

The Baby

Plan the session with your baby’s personality and schedule in mind. If he/she doesn’t like crowds, it is best to do an intimate session with just the immediate family present. This way you also won’t find yourself distracted by the urge to be the host. Remember to pick a time when the baby is usually awake and active to prevent a disaster.

If you would like to find out more about our 5 Tips for the Best Cake Smash Shoot in Essex, Basildon please click here.

 If you would like to get in touch and make a booking or enquiry please visit contact us 

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