Baby Photography Essex | Fine Art Black & White

As A Baby Photography Essex studio we love to shoot Black and White, And we would like to share some images from our folio in this blog.

“The use of Black and White in images connotes something nostalgic and historic”

Photographs that are shot in black and white are very popular. The reason is B/W lends these ‘photographs’ a certain timeless quality as it is a throwback to the photographic past.I love to relive the occasions that I cover, be it a ‘wedding’ or ‘studio portraits’. If I had the time to go back to some of my older shots and turn a few of them to black and white I would. But there is not enough time in the day. So, for now, I will leave you with some of my all-time favourite black and white shots please note most of these are candid shots where they were being themselves. Doesn’t it add more to its beauty?

If you’d like to discuss a shoot with me please do get in touch. Alternatively, you can check out my ‘wedding photography packages‘, ‘studio sessions‘ and blog for more information.